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Frank Lloyd Wright Collection

The work of Frank Lloyd Wright (1867–1959) is recognized worldwide as pivotal to the development of modern architecture. Through a deep understanding of our relationship with the natural world, Wright’s ideas and designs were inspired by organic forms. His vision, “to make life more beautiful, the world a better one for living in, and to give rhyme, reason, and meaning to life” is carried on through the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation and represented on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

In 1927, Wright designed a series of twelve monthly covers based on seasonal themes for Liberty magazine. When submitted, Liberty judged the covers to be too avant-garde for the time. The magazine returned Wright’s presentation drawings and they became the basis for later interpretations executed in diverse media. Each design of the Liberty magazine covers is an example of Wright’s practice of using the tools of his trade: a t-square, triangle, and compass to create lively geometric designs.

Geometric genius. T-square, triangle and compass designs. The Liberty collection on these bag and laptop sleeve are an example of Wright using the tools of his trade. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT Old Fashion Windows,1927 ® /™ /© Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. All Rights Reserved.